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2021 Aviv Headshot and Dance Session-238-Edit
2021 Aviv Headshot and Dance Session-233-Edit
2021 Aviv Headshot and Dance Session-243-Edit

Eva is 17 years old and currently enrolled at Victoria School of The Arts in grade 12. She has a multitude of interests, including baking and cooking, dancing, listening to music, spending time with family and friends, and attending B'nai Brith Youth Organization (BBYO) conventions and programs. Currently, she is excited to be directing a one-act play for her school.

Eva has been dancing hip hop at Darlene's Dance Adacemy since grade four and doing Israeli dance since kindergarten. Israeli dance is a way for her to have fun while connecting with her Jewish identity and Israel.

Eva believes Israeli dance is a way to link back to your Jewish heritage, meet and spend time with friends, and express yourself.

by June Laine Photography